Blog #21

Language is just one of the ways I communicate with the world around me. I do not feel language has any more meaning in my life than most people but that is still very important. For good and bad my use of language has gotten me everything I have in life. You can’t really ask … [Read more…]

Blog #14

My main goals are to further develop my thesis, connect my improves thesis to my main points, and support my points with the text. I also want to build an essay with a natural flow and successfully refute counterarguments with a naysayer paragraph. My main strategy for revision will be to introduce sources effectively then … [Read more…]

Blog #20

This essay connects to our in class texts because it takes the very individualistic almost abstract concept of alcoholism and its effects on adult children in college then approaches it from a very analytical mindset in order to better understand it. This is the inverse of what people like Jonah Lehrer seek to do by … [Read more…]

Blog #19

Ch 9 ” You mean I an just say it that way?” This chapter addresses the issue of confusing academic that can make some writing hard to understand. I chose this chapter because I sometimes find myself stopping to try to find a more eloquent and complex way of articulating a point I have already … [Read more…]

Peer review 4

Sophie Horton      Social media shows unrealistic body types of women, and causes young women to be dissatisfied with their own bodies. Changes need to be made in order to address this problem, such as utilizing arts and science in a collaborative way. Education through art and science can help us bring awareness to this problem, … [Read more…]

Blog #18

Thesis: Almost any issue can benefit from some combination of science and the arts. The way artists think can benefit science by observing issues from unconventional angles. Artists are far better mass communicators than most scientists. Art promotes empathetic thinking, this combined with hard analytical facts creates an extremely effective one two combo that makes … [Read more…]